When you reach 65, there is another thing that you should consider apart from your retirement plans: where you want to age. You may choose to stay in your home and age or you can choose to age in a specific aging facility in your locality or far away.
The first thought that may come to your mind if you choose to age in an aging facility is the cost. Yes, it can be much higher than the cost of aging in your home. But the cost is not and certainly should not be the only factor to consider when you choose between aging in your home and aging is a care facility.
Ideally, at the age of 65 years, this is a significant dilemma you may be in but do not think that you are alone.
- More than 90% senior citizens face this situation over age 65 who want to live at home rather than moving to a nursing home or any other assisted care living facility, according to one study.
- It is also found that typically, aging at home is always the most preferable option for most of the older people but in a few specific situations, this can really be in issue, especially if the older person happens to suffer from any severe medical conditions or have any safety issues.
In this day and age, aging in place is one of the most favorable options for older adults and this seems to be a real possibility in most of the cases, and as you will see when you continue reading that cost is not the only factor for saying so.
The cost matters
Since cost is the first factor that will come to your mind, know about it first before you probe into the other benefits of aging in place. It will surely cost you less and there is no doubt about it. All nursing homes and assisted living facilities will charge you a hell lot of money. Such high cost will be unbearable for you considering the fact that at the age of 65 you have just come out of your mortgage, paying off with some difficulty, maybe. In such a situation, staying at home and age seems to be a pretty attractive and feasible option.
There are several reasons to think so such as:
- Medicare will typically not cover such long-term placement in assisted living facilities and therefore you will have to bear the expenses from your savings, retirement plans and other personal sources and
- The cost of living is a care facility will include the average cost of facility care, room, assistance, and others which is not applicable when you choose to stay in your home and age.
You can take the advantage of Medicare if you stay in your home which will help you to pay for the in-home help that you may have to hire for your daily activities in life which are also cheaper as compared to that of the nursing home or an assisted living facility.
The comfort factors
Comfort is another factor that may keep you from choosing any area agency on aging. When you stay at home you are not only comfortable with the known settings, people, furniture and other belongings but you can continue to live with your same social contacts.
- With your friends or family nearby, you will have a sort of peace in your mind and trust which may not be possible in an assisted living. They can assist you as and when needed apart from the fact that you can have community support services a sell and for all these, you may not need to pay anything extra as opposed to assisted living.
- If you live alone and worried about your food, then you can even hire the services of different official or local organizations that provide food to seniors in their homes.
- Add to that, you may even get free transport and subsidized and doctor visits to make your life more comfortable.
In short, in your home, you can live as you wish but in a nursing home or assisted living facility you may have to share your room with others, often a stranger.
Strengthen social network
You will not only be able to maintain your current social network but van even builds on it. On the contrary, in an assisted or nursing home living meeting and spending time with friends and relatives may be severely restricted.
- Attending a social event is a possibility in home-living but is a dismal possibility in assisted care living.
- Moreover, when you live in your home you get a chance to meet with different social groups and communities who have active seniors who may encourage you to be as active as them thereby helping you to stay fit, fine and healthy for a longer time on your own.
Social connections will also make your life comfortable allowing you to eat out if you particularly do not like to cook at home!
Self- fortitude is important
Perhaps the most significant benefit of aging in place is that it enhances your self-determination and self-discipline fortifying you against and odds situations and challenges. Since you have worked and took decisions on your own for the major part of your life, at this age it may really be tough to take and follow orders given by others.
At home, you are your own boss and therefore you will have the pride and pleasure to be and live an independent life. This ideally is a significant issue in retirement. Well, when you stay in your home there will be no one to supervise or direct your actions and moves. Aging in place will allow you to have control over everything whether it is cooking your food or eating out, painting your home or rearranging your furniture.
Therefore, aging in place is a far more feasible option as it will allow you to maintain and enjoy your independence and freedom. These are the two most important things people want when they reach 65 years of age.
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