According to this survey of 170 professionals, employees with mentors are more engaged in the workplace than those without.
Having a mentor can change your entire perspective at work. It can also set you on a path to success.
Here are five reasons why finding a mentor can benefit your career and help you excel professionally.
1. Mentors Offer Their Experience:
Navigating a new career can leave us with a lot of unknowns. Having a mentor gives us access to the answers we’re looking for.
With their years of knowledge and hands-on experience, mentors can prevent us from making the same mistakes they made.
As a result, having a mentor shortens your learning curve in unfamiliar work situations.
2. Mentors Push for Improvement:
Sometimes, it can be difficult to see our own shortcomings. Without realizing it, we might also be holding ourselves back.
Mentors can help us pinpoint areas for improvement.
That way, we can recognize where we have the potential for personal growth. Mentors are there to push us to be the best we can be and help us succeed in our careers.
3. Mentors Can Offer Connections:
Finding a mentor in your industry can be a great way to make new connections.
Speaking with other professionals in your industry can offer you an array of different insights and opinions. That way, you can draw from different levels of expertise for career advice.
You may also meet someone in need of a mentor themselves. Learn more about leadership coaching and discover how the importance of mentorship works both ways.
4. Mentors Are a Great Sounding Board:
According to this survey, 61 percent of millennials feel they benefit from having someone to turn to for advice.
Still wondering “why to get a mentor?” In addition to giving great advice, mentors are also great listeners.
They’ve been in your shoes. Having experienced the frustrations and concerns you’re experiencing themselves, they also know how important it is to have someone who will listen.
Mentors also know which questions to ask, so you can step back from the situation and see the bigger picture.
While venting is healthy, mentors can respond with helpful advice. That way, you can discover an effective solution to your problems instead of feeling stuck.
5. Mentors Offer Encouragement:
Sometimes it’s difficult to focus on the road ahead when it feels bleak. Without a support system in place, some people tend to give up on their dreams before they can achieve them.
Mentors are supportive and there to help as you accomplish your goals. They can also provide a healthy, realistic perspective when we need it most.
That way, we have the guidance and confidence to accomplish anything we set our minds to.
Finding a Mentor in 2019:
The real importance of mentorship lies in the professional relationship and friendship we build with our mentor.
Finding a mentor can benefit your career, confidence, and help you personally improve for the better.
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